Anthony Man-Cho So
Dean, Graduate School
Deputy Master, Morningside College
Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Die sich des Vergangenen nicht erinnern,
sind dazu
es noch einmal zu erleben."
George Santayana (1863-1952)
Current Term (2024-25 Second Term)
Previous Terms
- ECLT 5930: Engineering Economics (2011-12 First Term, 2013-14 Second Term, 2014-15 Second Term, 2015-16 Second Term)
- ENGG 2440B: Discrete Mathematics for Engineers (2014-15 First Term, 2015-16 First Term, 2016-17 First Term, 2017-18 First Term, 2018-19 First Term)
- ENGG 5501: Foundations of Optimization (2013-14 First Term, 2014-15 First Term, 2015-16 First Term, 2016-17 First Term, 2017-18 First Term, 2018-19 First Term, 2019-20 First Term, 2020-21 First Term, 2021-22 First Term, 2022-23 First Term, 2023-24 First Term, 2024-25 First Term)
- ESTR 2004: Discrete Mathematics for Engineers (ELITE Stream) (2014-15 First Term, 2015-16 First Term, 2017-18 First Term, 2019-20 First Term, 2020-21 First Term, 2021-22 First Term)
- GEU 4011: United College Senior Seminar (2009-10 First Term)
- MFE 5100: Optimization (CUHK(SZ)) (2015-16 First Term)
- MSE 6002: Engineering Economics and Management (CUHK(SZ)) (2019-20 Second Term)
- SEEM 2430: Applied Probability and Statistics (2007-08 Second Term, 2008-09 Second Term)
- SEEM 3470: Dynamic Optimization and Applications (2012-13 First Term)
- SEEM 3570: Stochastic Models (2009-10 Second Term, 2010-11 Second Term, 2011-12 Second Term, 2012-13 Second Term, 2013-14 Second Term)
- SEEM 5380: Optimization Methods for High-Dimensional Statistics (2016-17 Second Term, 2018-19 Second Term, 2021-22 Second Term)
- SEEM 5520: Optimization I (2007-08 Second Term, 2008-09 Second Term, 2009-10 First Term, 2010-11 First Term, 2011-12 First Term, 2012-13 First Term)
- SEEM 5740: Engineering Economics (2011-12 Second Term, 2013-14 Second Term, 2014-15 Second Term, 2015-16 Second Term)
- Alex Lemon, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming: Theory and Applications. Foundations and Trends® in Optimization (2016) 2(1-2):1-156. [pdf]
Journal Articles
- Jiajin Li, Linglingzhi Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Nonsmooth Nonconvex-Nonconcave Minimax Optimization:
Primal-Dual Balancing and Iteration Complexity Analysis. Accepted for publication in Mathematical Programming, 2024. [pdf]
- Xiao Li, Lei Zhao, Daoli Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Revisiting Subgradient Method: Complexity and Convergence Beyond Lipschitz Continuity. Accepted for publication in Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (Special Issue Dedicated to Prof. Tamás Terlaky on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday), 2024.
- Junbin Liu, Ya Liu, Wing-Kin Ma, Mingjie Shao, Anthony Man-Cho So. Extreme Point Pursuit—Part I: A Framework for
Constant Modulus Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2024) 72:4541-4556. [pdf]
- Junbin Liu, Ya Liu, Wing-Kin Ma, Mingjie Shao, Anthony Man-Cho So. Extreme Point Pursuit—Part II: Further Error
Bound Analysis and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2024) 72:4557-4572. [pdf]
- Ya-Feng Liu, Tsung-Hui Chang, Mingyi Hong, Zheyu Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Eduard A. Jorswieck, Wei Yu. A Survey of Recent Advances in Optimization Methods for Wireless Communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on Advanced Optimization Theory and Algorithms for Next Generation Wireless Communication Networks) (2024) 42(11):2992-3031. [pdf]
- Lai Tian, Anthony Man-Cho So. No Dimension-Free Deterministic Algorithm Computes Approximate Stationarities of Lipschitzians. Mathematical Programming (2024) 208(1-2):51-74. [pdf]
- Xiao-Peng Li, Zhang-Lei Shi, Lei Huang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Hing Cheung So. ROCS: Robust One-Bit Compressed Sensing with Application to Direction of Arrival. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2024) 72:2407-2420. [pdf]
- Shixiang Chen, Shiqian Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So, Tong Zhang. Nonsmooth Optimization over the Stiefel Manifold and Beyond: Proximal Gradient Method and Recent Variants. SIAM Review (2024) 66(2):319-352. [pdf]
- Yuen-Man Pun, Anthony Man-Cho So. Global Strong Convexity and Characterization of Critical Points of Time-of-Arrival-Based Source Localization. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (2024) 119:102077. [pdf]
- Jiang Hu, Ruicheng Ao, Anthony Man-Cho So, Minghan Yang, Zaiwen Wen. Riemannian Natural Gradient Methods. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2024) 46(1):A204-A231. [pdf]
- Xiaolu Wang, Chaorui Yao, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Linearly Convergent Optimization Framework for Learning Graphs from Smooth Signals. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (2023) 9:490-504. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Jiaojiao Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Qing Ling. A Communication-Efficient Decentralized Newton’s
Method with Provably Faster Convergence. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (2023) 9:427-441. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Man-Chung Yue, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Unified Approach to Synchronization Problems over Subgroups of the Orthogonal Group. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (2023) 66:320-372. [pdf]
- Mingwu Yao, Jiamu Liu, Jing Du, Dongqi Yan, Yanxi Zhang, Wei Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Unified Flow Scheduling Method for Time Sensitive Networks. Computer Networks (2023) 233:109847. [pdf]
- Peng Wang, Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Linear Convergence of a Proximal Alternating Minimization Method with Extrapolation for ℓ1-Norm Principal Component Analysis. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2023) 33(2):684-712. [pdf]
- Jiaojiao Zhang, Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Qing Ling. Variance-Reduced Stochastic Quasi-Newton Methods for Decentralized Learning. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2023) 71:311-326. [pdf] [Supplementary Material]
- Xiaolu Wang, Yuen-Man Pun, Anthony Man-Cho So. Distributionally Robust Graph Learning from Smooth Signals under Moment Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2022) 70:6216-6231. [pdf]
- Peng Wang, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. Non-Convex Exact Community Recovery in
Stochastic Block Model. Mathematical Programming, Series A (2022) 195(1-2):793-829. [pdf]
- Wei Liu, Lin Zhu, Huiting Yang, Hongyan Li, Jiandong Li, Anthony Man-Cho So. Maximum Flow Routing Strategy with Dynamic Link Allocation for Space Information Networks under Transceiver Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2022) 71(9):9993-10000. [pdf]
- Chujun Huang, Mingjie Shao, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. SISAL Revisited. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2022) 15(2):591-624. [pdf]
- Ruiyuan Wu, Wing-Kin Ma, Yuening Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos. Probabilistic Simplex Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2022) 70:582-599. [pdf]
- Yuen-Man Pun, Anthony Man-Cho So. Local Strong Convexity of Source Localization and Error Bound for Target Tracking under
Time-of-Arrival Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2022) 70:190-201. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Adaptive Coordinate Sampling for Stochastic Primal-Dual Optimization. International Transactions in Operational Research (Special Issue on Data-Driven Optimization) (2022) 29(1):24-47. [pdf]
- Shixiang Chen, Zengde Deng, Shiqian Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Manifold Proximal Point Algorithms for Dual Principal Component Pursuit and Orthogonal Dictionary Learning. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2021) 69:4759-4773. [pdf]
- Jiaojiao Zhang, Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Qing Ling. A Penalty Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Convex Composite Optimization over Decentralized Networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2021) 69:4282-4295. [pdf]
- Xiao Li, Shixiang Chen, Zengde Deng, Qing Qu, Zhihui Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Weakly Convex Optimization over Stiefel Manifold Using Riemannian Subgradient-Type Methods. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2021) 31(3):1605-1634. [pdf]
- Jiaojiao Zhang, Qing Ling, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Newton Tracking Algorithm with Exact Linear Convergence for Decentralized Consensus Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (2021) 7:346-358. [pdf]
- Yue Xu, Zengde Deng, Mengdi Wang, Wenjun Xu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Shuguang Cui. Voting-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
for Intelligent IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021) 8(4):2681-2693. [pdf]
- Jiajin Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. Understanding Notions of Stationarity in Non-Smooth Optimization. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2020) 37(5):18-31. [pdf]
- Sen Huang, Yuen-Man Pun, Anthony Man-Cho So, Kehu Yang. A Provably Convergent Projected Gradient-Type Algorithm for TDOA-Based Geolocation under the Quasi-Parabolic Ionosphere Model. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2020) 27:1335-1339. [pdf]
- Yong-Hong Kuo, Nicholas B. Chan, Janny M. Y. Leung, Helen Meng, Anthony Man-Cho So, Kelvin K. F. Tsoi, Colin A. Graham. An Integrated Approach of Machine Learning and Systems-Thinking for Waiting Time Prediction in an Emergency Department. International Journal of Medical Informatics (2020) 139:104143. [ScienceDirect]
- Xiao Li, Zhihui Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, René Vidal. Nonconvex Robust Low-Rank Matrix Recovery. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2020) 30(1):660-686. [pdf]
- Shixiang Chen, Shiqian Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So, Tong Zhang. Proximal Gradient Method for Nonsmooth Optimization over the Stiefel Manifold. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2020) 30(1):210-239. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Weijie Wu. Quadratic Optimization with Orthogonality Constraint: Explicit Łojasiewicz Exponent and Linear Convergence of Retraction-Based Line-Search and Stochastic Variance-Reduced Gradient Methods. Mathematical Programming, Series A (2019) 178(1-2):215-262. [pdf]
- Mingjie Shao, Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Framework for One-Bit and Constant-Envelope Precoding over Multiuser Massive MISO Channels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2019) 67(20):5309-5324. [pdf]
- Russell W. F. Lai, Kam-Fung Cheung, Sherman S. M. Chow, Anthony Man-Cho So. Another Look at Anonymous Communication. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2019) 16(5):731-742 (Special Issue on Paradigm Shifts in Cryptographic Engineering). [pdf]
- Man-Chung Yue, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Family of Inexact SQA Methods for Non-Smooth Convex Minimization with Provable Convergence Guarantees Based on the Luo-Tseng Error Bound Property. Mathematical Programming, Series B (2019) 174(1-2):327-358. [pdf]
- Man-Chung Yue, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. On the Quadratic Convergence of the Cubic Regularization Method under a Local Error Bound Condition. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2019) 29(1):904-932. [pdf]
- Sherry Xue-Ying Ni, Man-Chung Yue, Kam-Fung Cheung, Anthony Man-Cho So. Phase Retrieval via Sensor Network Localization. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China (2019) 7(1):127-146. [pdf]
- Junjie Hu, Haiqin Yang, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King, Anthony Man-Cho So. Online Nonlinear AUC Maximization for Imbalanced Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2018) 29(4):882-895. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Man-Chung Yue, Anthony Man-Cho So. On the Estimation Performance and Convergence Rate of the Generalized Power Method for Phase Synchronization. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2017) 27(4):2426-2446. [pdf]
- Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Unified Approach to Error Bounds for Structured Convex Optimization Problems. Mathematical Programming, Series A (2017) 165(2):689-728. [pdf]
- Shimin Gong, Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Xiaoxia Huang. Distributionally Robust Collaborative Beamforming in D2D Relay Networks with Interference Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2017) 16(8):5048-5060. [pdf]
- Xiao Fu, Kejun Huang, Mingyi Hong, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, Anthony Man-Cho So. Scalable and Flexible Multiview MAX-VAR Canonical Correlation Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2017) 65(16):4150-4165. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Zirui Zhou. Non-Asymptotic Convergence Analysis of Inexact Gradient Methods for Machine Learning Without Strong Convexity. Optimization Methods and Software (2017) 32(4):963-992. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Jiaxian Pan, Wing-Kin Ma. Semidefinite Relaxation and Approximation Analysis of a Beamformed Alamouti Scheme for Relay Beamforming Networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2017) 65(9):2428-2443. [pdf] [Companion Technical Report]
- Wing-Kin Ma, Jiaxian Pan, Anthony Man-Cho So, Tsung-Hui Chang. Unraveling the Rank-One Solution Mystery of Robust MISO Downlink Transmit Optimization: A Verifiable Sufficient Condition via a New Duality Result. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2017) 65(7):1909-1924. [pdf] [Companion Technical Report]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Qiang Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. A Stochastic Beamformed Amplify-and-Forward Scheme in a Multigroup Multicast MIMO Relay Network with Per-Antenna Power Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2016) 15(7):4973-4986. [pdf]
- Man-Chung Yue, Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Robust Design for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting over Line-of-Sight Channels. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2016) 23(7):939-943. [pdf]
- Gang Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Youming Li. Robust Convex Approximation Methods for TDOA-Based Localization under NLOS Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2016) 64(13):3281-3296. [pdf]
- Man-Chung Yue, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Perturbation Inequality for Concave Functions of Singular Values and Its Applications in Low-Rank Matrix Recovery. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (2016) 40(2):396-416. [pdf]
- Mallarajapattana Janardana Venkatarangan, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yeung Yam. Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation of Train Traffic with Passenger Movement. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology (2015) 16(3):11.1-11.25. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Qiang Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. Rank-Two Beamforming and Stochastic Beamforming for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting with Finite-Alphabet Inputs. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2015) 22(10):1614-1618. [pdf]
- Kun-Yu Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Tsung-Hui Chang, Wing-Kin Ma, Chong-Yung Chi. Outage Constrained Robust Transmit Optimization for Multiuser MISO Downlinks: Tractable Approximations by Conic Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2014) 62(21):5690-5705. [pdf] [Companion Technical Report]
- Ke Hou, Anthony Man-Cho So. Hardness and Approximation Results for Lp-Ball Constrained Homogeneous Polynomial Optimization Problems. Mathematics of Operations Research (2014) 39(4):1084-1108. [pdf]
- Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Safe Approximation Approach to Secrecy Outage Design for MIMO Wiretap Channels. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2014) 21(1):118-121. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Physical-Layer Multicasting by Stochastic Transmit Beamforming and Alamouti Space-Time Coding. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2013) 61(17):4230-4245. [pdf] [Companion Technical Report]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang. Distributionally Robust Slow Adaptive OFDMA with Soft QoS via Linear Programming. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2013) 31(5):947-958 (Special Issue on Spectrum and Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Communication Networks). [pdf]
- Sin-Shuen Cheung, Anthony Man-Cho So, Kuncheng Wang. Linear Matrix Inequalities with Stochastically Dependent Perturbations and Applications to Chance-Constrained Semidefinite Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2012) 22(4):1394-1430. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Moment Inequalities for Sums of Random Matrices and Their Applications in Optimization. Mathematical Programming, Series A (2011) 130(1):125-151. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for Sphere Constrained Homogeneous Polynomial Optimization Problems. Mathematical Programming, Series B (2011) 129(2):357-382. [pdf]
- Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Optimal Spectrum Sharing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks via Semidefinite Programming. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2011) 29(2):362-373 (Special Issue on Advances in Cognitive Radio Networking and Communications). [pdf]
- Zhisu Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Universal Rigidity and Edge Sparsification for Sensor Network Localization. SIAM Journal on Optimization (2010) 20(6):3059-3081. [pdf]
- William Wei-Liang Li, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Moe Z. Win. Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems through Chance Constrained Programming. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2010) 58(7):3858-3869. [pdf]
- Zhi-Quan Luo, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye, Shuzhong Zhang. Semidefinite Relaxation of Quadratic Optimization Problems. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2010) 27(3):20-34. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Jiawei Zhang, Yinyu Ye. Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization with Controllable Risk Aversion Level. Mathematics of Operations Research (2009) 34(3):522-537. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye, Jiawei Zhang. A Unified
Theorem on SDP Rank Reduction. Mathematics of Operations Research (2008) 33(4):910-920. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Jiawei Zhang, Yinyu Ye. On Approximating
Complex Quadratic Optimization Problems via Semidefinite Programming
Relaxations. Mathematical Programming, Series B (2007) 110(1):93-110 (Special issue on IPCO 2005). [SpringerLink]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Theory of Semidefinite Programming for Sensor Network Localization. Mathematical
Programming, Series B (2007) 109(2-3):367-384. [SpringerLink]
Refereed Conference Articles
- Chenyue Zhang, Shangyuan Liu, Hoi-To Wai, Anthony Man-Cho So. Network Games Induced Prior for Graph Topology Learning. To appear in Proceedings of the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025), 2025. [pdf]
- Xia Jiang, Linglingzhi Zhu, Taoli Zheng, Anthony Man-Cho So. Single-Loop Variance-Reduced Stochastic Algorithm for Nonconvex-Concave Minimax Optimization. To appear in Proceedings of the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025), 2025. [pdf]
- Lai Tian, Anthony Man-Cho So. Testing Approximate Stationarity Concepts for Piecewise Affine Functions. To appear in Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2025), 2025. [pdf]
- Jiaojiao Zhang, Jiang Hu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Mikael Johansson. Nonconvex Federated Learning on Compact Smooth Submanifolds With Heterogeneous Data. To appear in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference (NeurIPS 2024), 2024. [pdf]
- He Chen, Chonghe Jiang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Computing Competitive Equilibrium for Chores: Linear Convergence and Lightweight Iteration. To appear in Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE 2024), 2024. [pdf]
- Shi-Yuk Fong, Anthony Man-Cho So. An Efficient Optimization Framework for Learning General Signed Graphs from Smooth Signals. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2024), 2024. [pdf]
- Jinxin Wang, Jiang Hu, Shixiang Chen, Zengde Deng, Anthony Man-Cho So. Decentralized Non-Smooth Optimization over the Stiefel Manifold. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2024), 2024. [pdf]
- Sijin Chen, Xiwei Cheng, Anthony Man-Cho So. Non-Convex Joint Community Detection and Group Synchronization via Generalized Power Method. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2024), pp. 2899-2907, 2024. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- He Chen, Haochen Xu, Rujun Jiang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Lower-Level Duality Based Reformulation and Majorization Minimization Algorithm for Hyperparameter Optimization. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2024), pp. 784-792, 2024. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Meng Xu, Bo Jiang, Wenqiang Pu, Ya-Feng Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So. An Efficient Alternating Riemannian/Projected Gradient Descent Ascent Algorithm for Fair Principal Component Analysis. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2024), pp. 7195-7199, 2024. [pdf]
- Shangyuan Liu, Linglingzhi Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So. LogSpecT: Feasible Graph Learning Model from Stationary Signals with Recovery Guarantees. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference (NeurIPS 2023), pp. 80142-80164, 2023. [pdf]
- Taoli Zheng, Linglingzhi Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, José Blanchet, Jiajin Li. Universal Gradient Descent Ascent Method for Nonconvex-Nonconcave Minimax Optimization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference (NeurIPS 2023), pp. 54075-54110, 2023. [pdf]
- Lemin Kong, Jiajin Li, Jianheng Tang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Outlier-Robust Gromov-Wasserstein for Graph Data. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference (NeurIPS 2023), pp. 24781-24803, 2023. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Xiao Li, Anthony Man-Cho So. ReSync: Riemannian Subgradient-based Robust Rotation Synchronization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference (NeurIPS 2023), pp. 5236-5261, 2023. [pdf]
- Jinxin Wang, Yuen-Man Pun, Xiaolu Wang, Peng Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Projected Tensor Power Method for Hypergraph Community Recovery. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), pp. 36285-36307, 2023. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Jiajin Li, Jianheng Tang, Lemin Kong, Huikang Liu, Jia Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, José Blanchet. A Convergent Single-Loop Algorithm for Relaxation of Gromov-Wasserstein in Graph Data. The 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023), 2023. [pdf]
- Zihao Fu, Haoran Yang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wai Lam, Lidong Bing, Nigel Collier. On the Effectiveness of Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning. Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23), pp. 12799-12807, 2023. [pdf]
- Peng Wang, Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Laura Balzano. Convergence and Recovery Guarantees of the K-Subspaces Method for Subspace Clustering. Proceedings of the the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), pp. 22884-22918, 2022. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Lai Tian, Kaiwen Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. On the Finite-Time Complexity and Practical Computation of Approximate Stationarity Concepts of Lipschitz Functions. Proceedings of the the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), pp. 21360-21379, 2022. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Xiaolu Wang, Peng Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Exact Community Recovery over Signed Graphs. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2022), pp. 9686-9710, 2022. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Lai Tian, Anthony Man-Cho So. Computing D-Stationary Points of ρ-Margin Loss SVM. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2022), pp. 3772-3793, 2022. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Kaiwen Zhou, Lai Tian, Anthony Man-Cho So, James Cheng. Practical Schemes for Finding Near-Stationary Points of Convex Finite-Sums. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2022), pp. 3684-3708, 2022. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Peng Wang, Huikang Liu, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. Optimal Non-Convex Exact Recovery in Stochastic Block Model
via Projected Power Method. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021), pp. 10828-10838, 2021. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Jinxin Wang, Zengde Deng, Taoli Zheng, Anthony Man-Cho So. Sparse High-Order Portfolios via Proximal DCA and SCA. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021), pp. 5425-5429, 2021. [pdf]
- Xiaolu Wang, Chaorui Yao, Haoyu Lei, Anthony Man-Cho So. An Efficient Alternating Direction Method for Graph Learning from Smooth Signals. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021), pp. 5380-5384, 2021. [pdf]
- Zihao Fu, Wai Lam, Anthony Man-Cho So, Bei Shi. A Theoretical Analysis of the Repetition Problem in Text Generation. Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21), pp. 12848-12856, 2021. [pdf]
- Kaiwen Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So, James Cheng. Boosting First-Order Methods by Shifting Objective: New Schemes with Faster Worst Case Rates. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference (NeurIPS 2020), pp. 15405-15416, 2020. [pdf]
- Jiajin Li, Caihua Chen, Anthony Man-Cho So. Fast Epigraphical Projection-Based Incremental Algorithms for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Support Vector Machine. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference (NeurIPS 2020), pp. 4029-4039, 2020. [pdf]
- Yuen-Man Pun, Anthony Man-Cho So. Dynamic Regret Bound for Moving Target Tracking Based on Online Time-of-Arrival Measurements. Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020), pp. 5968-5973, 2020. [pdf]
- Jiaojiao Zhang, Qing Ling, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Newton Tracking Algorithm with Exact Linear Convergence Rate for
Decentralized Consensus Optimization. Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020), pp. 2317-2322, 2020. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Jiajin Li, Anthony Man-Cho So. Low-Cost Lipschitz-Independent Adaptive Importance Sampling of Stochastic Gradients. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020), pp. 2150-2157, 2020. [pdf]
- Peng Wang, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Nearly-Linear Time Algorithm for Exact Community Recovery in Stochastic Block Model. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020), pp. 10126-10135, 2020. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Zengde Deng, Man-Chung Yue, Anthony Man-Cho So. An Efficient Augmented Lagrangian-Based Method for Linear Equality-Constrained Lasso. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), pp. 5760-5764, 2020. [pdf]
- Jiaojiao Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So, Qing Ling. A Penalty Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Decentralized Composite Optimization. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), pp. 5745-5749, 2020. [pdf]
- Zengde Deng, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Fast Proximal Point Algorithm for Generalized Graph Laplacian Learning. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), pp. 5425-5429, 2020. [pdf]
- Jiajin Li, Sen Huang, Anthony Man-Cho So. A First-Order Algorithmic Framework for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Logistic Regression. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference (NeurIPS 2019), pp. 3939-3949, 2019. [pdf]
- Shixiang Chen, Zengde Deng, Shiqian Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Manifold Proximal Point Algorithms for Dual Principal Component Pursuit and Orthogonal Dictionary Learning. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 259-263, 2019. [pdf]
- Peng Wang, Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Globally Convergent Accelerated Proximal Alternating Maximization Method for L1-Principal Component Analysis. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019), pp. 8147-8151, 2019. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Peng Wang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Fast First-Order Methods for the Massive Robust Multicast Beamforming Problem with Interference Temperature Constraints. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019), pp. 4744-4748, 2019. [pdf]
- Sherry Xue-Ying Ni, Anthony Man-Cho So. Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Relaxation of Joint Admission Control and Beamforming: An SOC-Based Outer Approximation Approach with Provable Guarantees. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2018), 2018. [pdf]
- Rujun Jiang, Huikang Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So. LPA-SD: An Efficient First-Order Method for Single-Group Multicast Beamforming. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2018), 2018. [pdf]
- Mingjie Shao, Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Minimum Symbol Error Rate-Based Constant Envelope Precoding for Multiuser Massive MISO Downlink. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP 2018), pp. 727-731, 2018. [pdf]
- Ting Wang, Xueli Hong, Wen Liu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Kehu Yang. Geolocation of Unknown Emitters Using TDOA of Path Rays Through the Ionosphere by Multiple Coordinated Distant Receivers. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), pp. 3509-3513, 2018. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Yuen-Man Pun, Anthony Man-Cho So. Local Strong Convexity of Maximum-Likelihood TDOA-Based Source Localization and Its Algorithmic Implications. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2017), 2017. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Man-Chung Yue, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. A Discrete First-Order Method for Large-Scale MIMO Detection with Provable Guarantees. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2017), pp. 669-673, 2017. [pdf]
- Naijun Zheng, Yuxuan He, Baoming Bai, Anthony Man-Cho So, Kehu Yang. LDPC Code Design for Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels Using Dynamic EXIT Chart Analysis. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), pp. 3679-3683, 2017. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Man-Chung Yue, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. SDR Approximation Bounds for the Robust Multicast Beamforming Problem with Interference Temperature Constraints. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), pp. 4054-4058, 2017. [pdf]
- Xiao Fu, Kejun Huang, Mingyi Hong, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, Anthony Man-Cho So. Scalable and Flexible MAX-VAR Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis via Alternating Optimization. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), pp. 5855-5859, 2017. [pdf]
- Shimin Gong, Yanyan Shen, Xiaoxia Huang, Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Robust Relay Beamforming in Device-to-Device Networks with Energy Harvesting Constraints. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2016), 2016. [pdf]
- Russell W. F. Lai, Henry K. F. Cheung, Sherman S. M. Chow, Anthony Man-Cho So. Another Look at Anonymous Communication --- Security and Modular Constructions. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Cryptology and Malicious Security (Mycrypt 2016), LNCS 10311, pp. 56-82, 2017. [pdf]
- Shimin Gong, Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Xiaoxia Huang. Distributionally Robust Relay Beamforming in Wireless Communications. Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2016), pp. 254-261, 2016. [pdf]
- Huikang Liu, Weijie Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Quadratic Optimization with Orthogonality Constraints: Explicit Łojasiewicz Exponent and Linear Convergence of Line-Search Methods. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016), pp. 1158-1167, 2016. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Kehu Yang, Lizhong Jiang, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Semidefinite Relaxation Approach to the Geolocation of Two Unknown Co-Channel Emitters by a Cluster of Formation-Flying Satellites Using Both TDOA and FDOA Measurements. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), pp. 2911-2915, 2016. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Xueying Ni, Anthony Man-Cho So. A Polynomial Optimization Approach for the Robust Beamforming Design in a Device-to-Device Two-Hop One-Way Relay Network. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), pp. 3841-3845, 2016. [pdf]
- Zirui Zhou, Qi Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So. ℓ1,p-Norm Regularization: Error Bounds and Convergence Rate Analysis of First-Order Methods. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2015), pp. 1501-1510, 2015. [pdf + Supplementary Material]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Stochastic Amplify-and-Forward Schemes for Multigroup Multicast Transmission in a Distributed Relay Network. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2015), pp.545-549, 2015. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. A Beamformed Alamouti Amplify-and-Forward Scheme in Multigroup Multicast Cloud-Relay Networks. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2015), pp. 3088-3092, 2015. [pdf]
- Junjie Hu, Haiqin Yang, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu, Anthony Man-Cho So. Kernelized Online Imbalanced Learning with Fixed Budgets. Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), pp. 2666-2672, 2015. [pdf] [Supplementary Material]
- Yinqing Xu, Tianyi Lin, Wai Lam, Zirui Zhou, Hong Cheng, Anthony Man-Cho So. Latent Aspect Mining via Exploring Sparsity and Intrinsic Information. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2014), pp. 879-888, 2014. [pdf]
- Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Robust Artificial Noise-Aided Transmit Optimization for Achieving Secrecy and Energy Harvesting. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), pp. 1596-1600, 2014. [pdf]
- Shuai Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So, Kehu Yang. Robust Beamforming in Two-Way Relay Networks: Quartically Perturbed Chance Constrained Formulation and Tractable Approximation. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), pp. 2734-2738, 2014. [pdf]
- Qiang Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Transmit Beamforming for Multiuser MISO Downlink. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), pp. 3479-3483, 2014. [pdf]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Robust Transmit Designs for an Energy Harvesting Multicast System. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), pp. 4748-4752, 2014. [pdf]
- Ke Hou, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So, Zhi-Quan Luo. On the Linear Convergence of the Proximal Gradient Method for Trace Norm Regularization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference (NIPS 2013), pp. 710-718, 2013. [pdf] [Supplementary Material]
- Senshan Ji, Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. Multi-Group Multicast Beamforming in Cognitive Radio Networks via Rank-Two Transmit Beamformed Alamouti Space-Time Coding. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), pp. 4409-4413, 2013. [pdf]
- Senshan Ji, Kam-Fung Sze, Zirui Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Beyond Convex Relaxation: A Polynomial-Time Non-Convex Optimization Approach to Network Localization. Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2013), pp. 2499-2507, 2013. [pdf]
- Xiao-Ming Wu, Zhenguo Li, Anthony Man-Cho So, John Wright, Shih-Fu Chang. Learning with Partially Absorbing Random Walks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25: Proceedings of the 2012 Conference (NIPS 2012), pp. 3086-3094, 2012. [pdf] [Supplementary Material]
- Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Wing-Kin Ma. Rank-Two Transmit Beamformed Alamouti Space-Time Coding for Physical-Layer Multicasting. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), pp. 2793-2796, 2012. [pdf]
- Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Safe Convex Approximation to Outage-Based MISO Secrecy Rate Optimization under Imperfect CSI and with Artificial Noise. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 207-211, 2011. [pdf]
- Hoi-To Wai, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Cheap Semidefinite Relaxation MIMO Detection Using Row-by-Row Block Coordinate Descent. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), pp. 3256-3259, 2011. [pdf]
- Kun-Yu Wang, Tsung-Hui Chang, Wing-Kin Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So, Chong-Yung Chi. Probabilistic SINR Constrained Robust Transmit Beamforming: A Bernstein-Type Inequality Based Conservative Approach. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), pp. 3080-3083, 2011. [pdf]
- Zhisu Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Universal Rigidity: Towards Accurate and Efficient Localization of Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2010), 2010. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Probabilistic Analysis of the Semidefinite Relaxation Detector in Digital Communications. Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2010), pp. 698-711, 2010. [pdf]
- Xiao-Ming Wu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Zhenguo Li, Shuo-Yen Robert Li. Fast Graph Laplacian Regularized Kernel Learning via Semidefinite-Quadratic-Linear Programming. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22: Proceedings of the 2009 Conference (NIPS 2009), pp. 1964-1972, 2009. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So. On the Performance of Semidefinite Relaxation MIMO Detectors for QAM Constellations. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), pp. 2449-2452, 2009. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Improved Approximation Bound for Quadratic Optimization Problems with Orthogonality Constraints. Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2009), pp. 1201-1209, 2009. [pdf]
- Samuel Ieong, Anthony Man-Cho So, Mukund Sundararajan.
Stochastic Mechanism Design.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2007), LNCS 4858, pp. 269-280, 2007. [pdf]
- Mark Peters, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Pari-mutuel Markets: Mechanisms and Performance.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2007), LNCS 4858, pp. 82-95, 2007. [SpringerLink]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Jiawei Zhang, Yinyu Ye. Stochastic
Combinatorial Optimization with Controllable Risk Aversion Level.
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Approximation
Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2006), LNCS
4110, pp. 224-235, 2006. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. A Semidefinite Programming
Approach to Tensegrity Theory and Realizability of Graphs.
Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms (SODA 2006), pp. 766-775, 2006. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. On Solving Coverage Problems in
a Wireless Sensor Network Using Voronoi Diagrams. Proceedings of
the 1st Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2005), LNCS
3828, pp. 584-593, 2005. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Jiawei Zhang, Yinyu Ye. On Approximating
Complex Quadratic Optimization Problems via Semidefinite Programming
Relaxations. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Integer
Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO XI), LNCS 3509,
pp. 125-135, 2005. [pdf]
- Jaewon Shin, Anthony Man-Cho So, Leonidas Guibas. Supporting
Group Communication among Interacting Agents in Wireless Sensor
Networks. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2005), Vol. 4, pp. 2375-2380, 2005. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Theory of Semidefinite
Programming for Sensor Network Localization. Proceedings of the
16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005),
pp. 405-414, 2005. [pdf]
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Convex Optimization and Its Applications in Signal Processing. Tutorial presented at the 2nd IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2014), 2014.
- Wing-Kin (Ken) Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Semidefinite Relaxation: From Theory to Applications to Latest Advances. Tutorial presented at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), 2014.
- Wing-Kin (Ken) Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Classical Applications and Recent Developments of Semidefinite Relaxation in Signal Processing and Communications. Tutorial presented at the 2012 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2012), 2012.
- Wing-Kin (Ken) Ma, Anthony Man-Cho So. Semidefinite Relaxation of Nonconvex Quadratic Optimization: A Key Technique in Signal Processing and Communications. Tutorial presented at the 2011 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2011), 2011.
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Probability Inequalities for Sums of Random Matrices and Their Applications in Optimization. INFORMS OS Today 1(1):10-11, 2011. [pdf]
- Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang, Anthony Man-Cho So. Chance Constrained Programming with Application to Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems. IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letter 5(4):29-31, 2010. [pdf]
- Samuel Ieong, Mukund Sundararajan, Anthony Man-Cho So. Mechanism Design for Stochastic Optimization Problems. ACM SIGecom Exchanges 7(1):52-54, 2007. [pdf]
Book Chapters
- 苏文藻. 机器学习中基于Wasserstein距离的分布鲁棒优化模型与算法. 机器学习及其应用2021(张敏灵,胡清华,李宇峰主编). 北京:清华大学出版社, 2021:138-156.
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Technical Elements of Machine Learning for Intellectual Property Law. Artifical Intelligence and Intellectual Property (Lee, Hilty, and Liu eds.), Chapter 1, Oxford University Press, 2021. [pdf]
- Zhisu Zhu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Fast and Near-Optimal Matrix Completion via Randomized Basis Pursuit. Fifth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Volume 51 (Ji, Poon, Yang, and Yau eds.), pp. 859-882, American Mathematical Society and International Press, 2012. [pdf]
- Shuguang Cui, Anthony Man-Cho So, Rui Zhang. Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization Problems. Mathematical Foundations for Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking (Chen, Rajan, and Serpedin eds.), Chapter 14, CRC Press, 2012.
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Semidefinite Optimization Applications. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (Cochran ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. [pdf] [Wiley]
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Probabilistic Analysis of Semidefinite Relaxation Detectors for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems. Convex Optimization in Signal Processing and Communications (Palomar and Eldar eds.), pp. 166-191, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye. Graph Realization via Semidefinite Programming. Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition (Floudas and Pardalos eds.), pp. 1453-1460, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2009.
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye, Jiawei Zhang. On Analyzing
Semidefinite Programming Relaxations of Complex Quadratic
Optimization Problems. Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and
Metaheuristics (Gonzalez ed.), Chapter 8, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Yinyu Ye, Jiawei Zhang. Greedy
Algorithms for Metric Facility Location Problems. Handbook of
Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics (Gonzalez ed.), Chapter 39, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
- Anthony Man-Cho So. A Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Graph Realization Problem: Theory, Applications and Extensions. PhD Dissertation, Stanford University, 2007. [pdf]
Working Papers
- Anthony Man-Cho So. Non-Asymptotic Performance Analysis of the Semidefinite Relaxation Detector in Digital Communications. (Full version of the paper Probabilistic Analysis of the Semidefinite Relaxation Detector in Digital Communications.) Preprint, 2010. [pdf]
Contact Information
Room 604 William M. W. Mong Engineering Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
manchoso at