
**************************Note: Special Venue **************************




       Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management,

                        The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Title: Duality Bound Methods in Global Optimization


Speaker: Nguyen Van Thoai, Professor

              Department of Mathematics, University of Trier,

              D-54286 Trier, Germany



Date    : August 23rd, 2006 (Wednesday)

Time   :  4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Venue : Room 909, ERP Lab

            MMW Engineering Building(Engineering Building Complex Phase 2)







This talk presents an overview of the use of Lagrange-duality bounds

within a branch and bound scheme for solving nonconvex global

optimization problems. Convergence properties and application

possibilities of the method are discussed.






Nguyen Van Thoai holds a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics, Technical

University of Freiberg, Germany and a Ph.D. degree in Institute of

Mathematics Hanoi,Vietnam. He is currently a Professor of Department

of Mathematics, University of Trier, Germany. In 1972 - 1990, he was

in Institute of Mathematics Hanoi ,Vietnam and since 1998, he was

chairman of Department of Optimization and System Analysis, Hanoi,



His research interests can be summarized as mathematical programming,

global optimization, nonlinear integer programming and operations



He has published the book Introduction to Global Optimization in 1995

with R. Horst and M. Pardalos, which is translated into Chinese by

H. Huang in 2003. He also published approximately 60 papers in

international journals on Optimization and Operations Research.



************************  ALL ARE WELCOME  **********************


Host :  Prof. Duan Li

Tel :   (852) 2609-8323

Email : dli@se.cuhk.edu.hk


Enquiries: Mr. Peixiang Zhao or Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu,

                Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management


Website:   http://www.se.cuhk.edu.hk/~seg5810

Email:       seg5810@se.cuhk.edu.hk

