Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management,
Title: Part Based Object Retrieval in Cluttered Environment
Speaker: Maylor K.H. Leung, Associate Professor
Date : August 25th, 2006 (Friday)
Time : 10:30am --11:30am.
Venue : Room 909, ERP Lab
A novel local structural approach, which is a sequel to our previous work, is proposed in this talk for object retrieval in cluttered and occluded environment without identifying the outlines of an object. It works by first extracting consistent and structurally unique local neighborhood from inputs or models, and then voting on the optimal matches employing dynamic programming and a novel hyper cube based indexing structure. The proposed concepts have been tested on a database with thousands of images and compared with the 6 nearest-neighbors shape description with superior results.
Maylor K.H. Leung received the BSc degree in physics from the
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Host : Prof. Chris Yang
Tel : (852) 2609-8239
Email : yang@se.cuhk.edu.hk
Enquiries: Mr. Peixiang Zhao or Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu,
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
Website: http://www.se.cuhk.edu.hk/~seg5810
Email: seg5810@se.cuhk.edu.hk