
**************************** Special Date *****************************




Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

                                 The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Title:      Blog Mining: Applying Web Mining Techniques to Blogs


Speaker: Michael Chau, Assistant Professor

               School of Business

               University of Hong Kong       


Date     :   November 9th, 2006 (Thursday)

Time    :   4:30p.m. - 5:30p.m.

Venue  :   Room 513

                MMW Engineering Building(Engineering Building Complex Phase 2)







Weblogs, or blogs, have become more widely-used in recent years. Many

people are now documenting their daily lives and expressing their

opinions in blogs, covering a wide spectrum of topics. These blogs

contain such knowledge as market trends, customers' opinions, and

social relationship that were previously unavailable to companies and

organizations for decision making. It is desirable to automatically

extract such knowledge from blogs. While many Web mining and network

analysis techniques have been used to analyze the content and

structure of the Web sites and other Internet media, they have not

been widely applied to blog analysis. In this presentation, how

knowledge can be extracted from blogs automatically using various text

mining and web mining techniques will be discussed. An example in

"hate group" analysis in blogs will be presented. Future research

directions in blog mining will be discussed.





Michael Chau is currently an Assistant Professor and the

BBA(IS)/BEng(CS) Program Coordinator in the School of Business at the

University of Hong Kong. He received a Ph.D. degree in Management

Information Systems from the University of Arizona and a Bachelor

degree in Computer Science (Information Systems) from the University

of Hong Kong. When at Arizona, he was an active researcher in the

Artificial Intelligence Lab, where he participated in several research

projects funded by NSF, NIH, NIJ, and DARPA. His current research

interests include information retrieval, Web mining, security

informatics, and data mining.


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Enquiries:   Mr. Peixiang Zhao or Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu,

                   Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management


Website:     http://www.se.cuhk.edu.hk/~seg5810

Email:         seg5810@se.cuhk.edu.hk

