*************************** Special Time *****************************
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
Title: RFID: How it works, what it's for & some examples
Speaker: Jerry Banks, Emeritus Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
Date : November 15th, 2006 (Wednesday)
Time : 5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.
Venue : Room 513
In this presentation, we answer the following questions:
How does RFID work? What do the RFID tags do?
How did all of this start? Is there an ROI for RFID?
Why not barcodes? What industries benefit from RFID?
Are there any success stories?
Jerry Banks retired in June, 1999 as Professor,
and Systems Engineering,
He then worked for two years as Senior Simulation Technology Advisor,
Brooks Automation, Planning and Logistics Solutions, AutoMod Product
Team. He is currently an independent consultant. He is the author,
co author, editor or co-editor of eleven books, one set of proceedings,
several chapters in texts, and numerous technical papers.
He is the editor of the Handbook of Simulation, published in 1998 by
John Wiley. This book won the award for Excellence in Engineering
Handbooks from the Professional Scholarly Publishing Division of
the Association of American Publishers, Inc. He is a co author of
Discrete Event Systems Simulation, Fourth Edition, published by
Prentice Hall,
author of the text Getting Started with AutoMod, Second Edition,
published by Brooks Automation in 2004. He is the co-author of
Introduction to SIMAN V and CINEMA V, published by John Wiley,
with GPSS/H, Second Edition, published by Wolverine Software
the co authored text Forecasting and Management of Technology
published in 1991 and the single authored text Principles of Quality
Control published in 1989, both by John Wiley,
currently writing, with three co-authors, RFID Applied, to appear
in April, 2007 published by John Wiley. He teaches short courses
on simulation, RFID, and supply chain management throughout the
world. He was a founding partner in the simulation-consulting firm
Carson/Banks & Associates, Inc. located in
purchased by AutoSimulations, Inc. (now part of Brooks Automation)
in May of 1994. He is a full member of many technical societies
including the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) for which
he served eight years as that organization's representative to
the Board of the Winter Simulation Conference, including two
years as Board Chair. He is the recipient of the INFORMS College
on Simulation Distinguished Service Award for 1999. He was named
a Fellow of IIE in 2002.
*********************** ALL ARE WELCOME ************************
Host : Professor Leung, May-Yee, Janny
Tel : (852) 2609-8238
Email : janny@se.cuhk.edu.hk
Enquiries: Peixiang Zhao or Jeffrey Xu Yu,
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
Website: http://www.se.cuhk.edu.hk/~seg5810
Email: seg5810@se.cuhk.edu.hk