Duan Li's Publication List:
Books and
Papers In Archival Journals
In Encyclopedia
In Books & Edited Volumes
Papers In Proceedings & Nonarchival
- K. Zhou, J. J. Gao, D. Li and
X. Y. Cui, Dynamic mean-VaR portfolio selection
in continuous time, accepted for publication in Quantitative Finance,
- X. Y. Cui, X. Li, D. Li and Y. Shi, Time consistent
behavioral portfolio policy for dynamic mean-variance formulation,
accepted for publication in Journal of the Operational Research Society,
- M. F. He, D. Li and Y. Y. Chen, Stochastic control for
optimal execution: Fast approximation solution scheme under nested MSD and
CVaR, Journal of the Operations Research Society
of China, Vol. 5, pp. 161-176, 2017.
- J. J. Gao, K. Zhou, D. Li and X. R. Cao, Dynamic
mean-LPM and mean-CVAR portfolio optimization in continuous-time, SIAM
Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 1377-1397, 2017.
- X. Y. Cui, D. Li and X. Li, Mean-variance policy for
discrete-time cone-constrained markets: Time consistency in efficiency and
the minimum-variance signed supermartingale
measure, Mathematical Finance, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 471-504, 2017.
- X. Y. Cui, D. Li and Y. Shi, Self-coordination in time
inconsistent stochastic decision problems: A planner-doer game framework,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 75, pp. 91-113, 2017.
- X. T. Cui, S. S. Zhu, D. Li and J. Sun, Mean-variance
portfolio optimization with parameter sensitivity control, Optimization
Methods and Software, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 755-774, 2016.
- H. X. Yao, Z. F. Li and D. Li, Multi-period
mean-variance portfolio selection with stochastic interest rate and
uncontrollable liability, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.
252, pp. 837-851, 2016
- J. J. Gao, Y. Xiong and D. Li,
Dynamic mean-risk portfolio selection with multiple risk measures in
continuous-time, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 249, pp.
647-656, 2016.
- Y. Shi, X. Y. Cui and D. Li, Discrete-time behavioral
portfolio selection under cumulative prospect theory, Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control, Vol. 61, pp. 283-302, 2015.
- W. P. Wu, J. J. Gao and D. Li,
Stochastic control for multiperiod mean-variance
asset-liability management: A mean-field formulation approach, Control
Theory and Applications (Special issue dedicated to the 100th birthday of
Prof. Zhongjun Zhang), Vol. 32, No. 9, pp.
1200-1207, 2015.
- S. S. Zhu, X. D. Ji and D. Li, Robust set-valued
scenario approach for handling modeling risk in portfolio optimization,
Journal of Computational Finance, Vol. 19, Number 1, pp. 11-40, 2015.
- Y. Shi, X. Y. Cui, J. Yao and D. Li, Dynamic trading
with reference point adaptation and loss aversion, Operations Research,
Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 789-806, July-August 2015.
- X. Y. Cui, D. Li and J. A. Yan, Classical mean variance
model revisited: Pseudo efficiency, Journal of Operational Research
Society (Special Issue in honor of Prof. Douglas J. White), Vol. 66, pp.
1646-1655, 2015.
- J. J. Gao, D. Li, X. Y. Cui
and S. Y. Wang, Time cardinality constrained mean-variance dynamic
portfolio selection and market timing: A stochastic control approach,
AUTOMATICA, Vol. 54, pp. 91-99, 2015.
- S. S. Zhu, M. J. Fan and D. Li, Portfolio management
with robustness in both prediction and decision: A mixture model based
learning approach, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 48, pp.
1 - 25, 2014.
- X. Y. Cui, X. Li and D. Li, Unified Framework of
Mean-Field Formulations for Optimal Multi-period Mean-Variance Portfolio
Selection, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59, No. 7, pp.
1833-1844, July 2014.
- X. Y. Cui, J. J. Gao, X. Li and D. Li, Optimal multiperiod mean-variance policy under no-shorting
constraint, in Special Issue: 60 Years Following Harry Markowitz's
Contributions in Portfolio Theory and Operations Research, European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 234, pp. 459 - 468, 2014.
- J. Yao, S. Yan and D. Li, Risky choice pattern of Hong
Kong residents: Empirical analysis based on a TV game show, Journal of
Management Sciences in China (in Chinese), Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 1-10,
- J. J. Gao and D. Li, Optimal cardinality constrained
portfolio selection, Operations Research, Vol. 61, No. 3, May - June 2013,
pp. 745 - 761, 2013.
- J. Yao and D. Li, Prospect theory and trading patterns,
Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 37, pp. 2793-2805, 2013.
- X. T. Cui, S. S. Zhu, X. L. Sun and D. Li, Nonlinear
portfolio selection using approximate parametric value-at-risk, Journal of
Banking and Finance, Vol. 37, pp. 2124-2139, 2013.
- J. Yao and D. Li, Bounded rationality as a source of
loss aversion and optimism: A study of psychological adaptation under
incomplete information, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 37,
pp. 18-31, 2013.
- Y. J. Li, S. S. Zhu, D. H. Li and D. Li, Active
allocation of systematic risk and control of risk sensitivity in portfolio
optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 228, pp.
556-570, 2013.
- M. C. Chiu, H. Y. Wong and D. Li, Roy's safety-first
principle in financial risk management of disastrous events, Risk
Analysis, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 1856-1872, 2012.
- S.S. Zhu, X. T. Cui, X. L. Sun and D. Li, Factor-risk
constrained mean-variance portfolio selection: Formulation and global
optimization solution approach, Journal of Risk, Vol. 14, No. 2, Winter
2011/12, pp. 51-89.
- X. Y. Cui, D. Li, S. Y. Wang and S. S. Zhu, Better than
dynamic mean-variance: Time inconsistency and free cash flow stream,
Mathematical Finance, Vol. 22, No. 2, 346-378, April 2012.
- S. S. Zhu, D. Li and X. L. Sun, Portfolio selection
with marginal risk control, Journal of Computational Finance, Vol. 14, No.
1, pp. 3-28, 2010.
- Z. F. Li, J. Yao and D. Li, Behavior patterns of
investment strategies under Roy's safety-first principle, The Quarterly
Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 50, pp. 167-179, 2010.
- S. S. Zhu, D. Li and S. Y. Wang, Robust portfolio
selection under downside risk measures, Quantitative Finance, Vol. 9, No.
7, pp. 869-885, 2009.
- M. C. Chiu and D. Li, Asset-liability management under
the safety-first principle, Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, Vol. 143, pp. 455-478, 2009.
- J. Yao, Z.-J. Yuan, Z.-F. Li and D. Li, Beta
coefficient based on value-at-risk: Estimation methods and empirical
analysis, Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp.
27 -34, July 2009.
- X. L. Sun, S. F. Niu and D.
Li, An exact algorithm for factor model in portfolio selection with roundlot constraints, Optimization, Vol. 58, No. 3,
pp. 305-318, April 2009.
- J. F. Liang, S. Z. Zhang and D. Li, "Optioned
portfolio selection: Models and analysis," Mathematical Finance, Vol.
18, No. 4, 569-593, 2008.
- L. Yi, Z. F. Li and D. Li, "Multi-period portfolio
selection for asset-liability management with uncertain investment
horizon," Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 4,
No. 3, pp. 535-552, August 2008.
- M. C. Chiu and D. Li, "Asset and liability
management under a continuous-time mean-variance optimization
framework," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol. 39, pp.
330-355, 2006.
- D. Li, X. L. Sun and J. Wang, "Optimal lot
solution to cardinality constrained mean-variance formulation for
portfolio selection," Mathematical Finance, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.
83-101, 2006.
- S.-S. Zhu, D. Li and S.-Y. Wang, "Risk control
over bankruptcy in dynamic portfolio selection: A generalized
mean-variance formulation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 447-457, 2004.
- X. Y. Zhou and D. Li, "Continuous time mean-variance
portfolio selection: A stochastic LQ framework," Applied Mathematics
and Optimization, Vol. 42, pp. 19-33, 2000.
- D. Li and W.-L. Ng, "Optimal dynamic portfolio
selection: Multi-period mean-variance formulation," Mathematical
Finance, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 387-406, 2000.
- D. Li, T.-F. Chan, and W.-L.
Ng, "Safety-first dynamic portfolio selection," Dynamics of
Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 585-600,
- B. Y. Wu, X. L. Sun, D. Li and X. J. Zheng, Quadratic
convex reformulations for semi-continuous quadratic programming, accepted
for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2017.
- R. J. Jiang, D. Li and B. Y. Wu, SOCP reformulation for
the generalized trust region subproblem via a
canonical form of two symmetric matrices, accepted for publication in
Mathematical Programming, 2017.
- Y. Xia and D. Li, Strong duality in optimization:
Shifted power reformulation, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 31,
Issue 4, pp. 720-736, 2016.
- R. J. Jiang and D. Li, Simultaneous diagonalization of
matrices and its applications in quadratically
constrained quadratic programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 26,
No. 3, pp. 1649-1668, 2016.
- X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun and D. Li, Improving the
performance of MIQP solvers for quadratic programs with cardinality and
minimum threshold constraints: A semidefinite program approach, INFORMS
Journal of Computing, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 690 - 703, 2014.
- X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li and J. Sun, Successive
convex approximations to cardinality-constrained quadratic programs: A DC
approach, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 59, pp.
379-397, 2014.
- C. K. Ng and D. Li, Test-problem generator for
unconstrained global optimization, Computers & Operations Research,
Vol. 51, pp. 338 - 349, 2014.
- X. L. Sun and D. Li, Recent advances in integer
programming, Operations Research Transactions (in Chinese), Vol. 18, No.
1, pp. 39 - 68, 2014.
- Y. Xia, B. Y. Wu and D. Li, New reformulations for
probabilistically constrained quadratic programs, European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol. 233, pp. 550 - 556, 2014.
- X. L. Sun, X. J. Zheng and D. Li, Recent advances in
mathematical programming with semi-continuous variables and cardinality
constraint, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, Vol. 1,
pp. 55-77, 2013.
- Y. Xia, R. L. Sheu, X. L. Sun
and D. Li, Tightening a copositive relaxation
for standard quadratic optimization problems, Computational Optimization
and Applications, Vol. 55, pp. 379-398, 2013.
- D. Li, C. Y. Wang and Y. R. Yao, Distance confined path
problem and separable integer programming, Optimization, Vol. 62, No. 4,
pp. 447-462, 2013.
- X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun and D. Li, A note on semidefinite relaxation for 0-1
quadratic knapsack problems, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 28,
No. 4, 930 - 942, 2013.
J. J. Gao and D. Li, A polynomial case of the cardinality constrained
quadratic optimization problem, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 56,
Issue 4, pp. 1441-1455, 2013.
Y. B. Zhao
and D. Li, Reweighted $\ell_1$-Minimization for Sparse Solutions to Underdetermined
Linear Systems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 1065-1088,
F. C.
Qian, J. J. Gao and D. Li, Complete statistical characterization of
discrete-time LQG and cumulant control, IEEE
Transactions in Automatic Control, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 2110-2115, 2012.
J. J. Gao and D. Li, Linear-quadratic switching control with
switching cost, AUTOMATICA, Vol. 48, pp. 1138-1143, 2012.
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun, D. Li and X. T. Cui, Lagrangian decomposition
and mixed-integer quadratic programming reformulation for probabilistically
constrained quadratic programs, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.
221, pp. 38-48, 2012.
D. Li,
X. L. Sun and C. L. Liu, An exact solution method for quadratic 0-1 programming:
A geometric approach, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 52, pp.
797-829, 2012.
X. L. Sun,
C. L. Liu, D. Li and J. J. Gao, On Duality Gap in Binary Quadratic Optimization,
Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53, pp. 255-269, 2012.
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun and D. Li, On reduction of duality gap in quadratic knapsack problems,''
Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 325-340, October,
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun and D. Li, On Zero Duality Gap in Nonconvex Quadratic Programming
Problems, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 52, pp. 229-242, 2012.
Y. Xia,
R. L. Sheu, X. L. Sun and D. Li, Improved estimation
of duality gap in binary quadratic programming using a weighted distance
measure, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 218, pp. 351-357, 2012.
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun and D. Li, Convex Relaxations for Nonconvex Quadratically
Constrained Quadratic Programming: Matrix Cone Decomposition and Polyhedral
Approximation, Mathematical
Programming, Series B,
Vol. 129 (Special Issue in honor of Prof. Paul Tseng), pp. 301-329, 2011.
Y. Xia,
X. L. Sun, D. Li and X. J. Zheng, On the reduction of
duality gap in box constrained nonconvex quadratic program, SIAM Journal on
Optimization, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 706-729, 2011.
D. Li,
X. Y. Cui and S. S. Zhu, Time Consistency Issue in Multiobjective
Optimization, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 18, pp. 143-149,
J. J. Gao
and D. Li, Cardinality constrained linear-quadratic optimal control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 56, No. 8, pp. 1936-1941, 2011.
D. Li,
X. L. Sun, J. J. Gao, S. S. Gu and X. J. Zheng, Reachability Determination in Acyclic
Petri Nets by Cell Enumeration Approach, Automatica, Vol.47, Issue 9, pp. 2094-2098, 2011.
D. Li,
X. L. Sun and C. L. Liu, An exact solution method for quadratic 0-1 programming:
A geometric approach, accepted for publication in Journal of Global Optimization, 2011.
Z. Y. Wu,
D. Li and L. S. Zhang, Global descent methods for unconstrained global optimization,
Journal of Global
Optimization, Vol. 50,
Issue 3, pp. 379-396, 2011.
X. L. Sun,
C. L. Liu, D. Li and J. J. Gao, On Duality Gap in Binary
Quadratic Optimization, accepted for publication in Journal of Global Optimization, 2010.
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun and D. Li, On Zero Duality Gap in Nonconvex Quadratic Programming
Problems, accepted for publication in Journal
of Global Optimization,
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun and D. Li, Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained
Quadratic Programming: Best D.C. Decompositions and Their SDP Representations, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 50, pp. 695-712, 2011.
X. J. Zheng,
X. L. Sun and D. Li, On reduction of duality gap in
quadratic knapsack problems, accepted for publication in Journalof Global Optimization, 2010.
- D. Li, X. Y. Cui and S. S. Zhu, Time Consistency Issue
in Multiobjective Optimization, accepted for
publication in Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2010.
- X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun and D. Li, Duality gap
estimation of linear equality constrained binary
quadratic programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 35, No. 4,
pp. 864-880, 2010.
- C. K. Ng, D. Li and L. S. Zhang, Global descent method
for global optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp.
3161-3184, 2010.
- X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun and D. Li, "Separable
relaxation for nonconvex quadratic integer programming: Integer
diagonalization approach," Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, Vol. 146, No. 2, pp. 463-489, 2010.
- D. Li, F. C. Qian and J. J. Gao,
"Performance-first control for discrete-time LQG problems," IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 2225-2230, 2009.
- C. Y. Wang and D. Li, "Unified theory of augmented
Lagrangian methods for constrained global
optimization," Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.
433-458, 2009.
- D. Li, X. L. Sun, J. Wang and K. McKinnon,
"Convergent Lagrangian and domain cut
method for nonlinear knapsack problems," Computational Optimization
and Applications, Vol. 42, pp. 67-104, 2009.
- D. Li, F. C. Qian and P. L. Fu, "Optimal nominal
dual control for discrete-time linear-quadratic Gaussian problems with
unknown parameters," AUTOMATICA, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 119-127, January
- X. L. Sun, S. S. Kong and D. Li, "Computational
study of surrogate dual method for multi-dimensional nonlinear knapsack
problems," Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 63-73,
- H. Z. Luo, X. L. Sun and D. Li, "On the
convergence of augmented Lagrangian methods for
constrained global optimization," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol.
18, No. 4, pp. 1209-1230, 2007.
- J. Wang, D. Li and X. L. Sun, "A revised Taha's algorithm for polynomial 0-1 programming,"
Optimization, Vol. 56, Nos. 5-6, pp. 699-713, Oct.-Dec. 2007.
- Z. Y. Wu, D. Li, L. S. Zhang and X. M. Yang,
"Peeling off a nonconvex cover of an actual convex problem: Hidden
convexity," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.
507-536, 2007.
- D. Li, J. Wang and X. L. Sun, "Computing exact
solution to nonlinear integer programming: Convergent Lagrangian
and objective level cut method," Journal of Global Optimization, Vol.
39, No. 1, pp. 127-154, 2007.
- X. L. Sun, H. B. Sheng and D. Li, "An exact
algorithm for 0-1 polynomial knapsack problems," Journal of
Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 223-232, 2007.
- C. K. Ng, D. Li and L. S. Zhang, "Discrete global
descent method for discrete global optimization and nonlinear integer
programming," Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp.
357-379, 2007.
- X. L. Sun, H. Z. Luo and D. Li, "Convexification of nonsmooth
monotone functions," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
Vol. 132, No. 2, pp. 339-351, 2007.
- D. Li, F. C. Qian, L. Li and J. J. Gao, "Research on
dynamic programming," Systems Engineering - Theory and Practice, Vol.
27, No. 8, pp. 56-64, 2007.
- D. Li and J. J. Gao, "Cardinality constrained
linear-quadratic control in discrete-time," Special Issue on Control
Applications of Optimisation - Control and
Aeronautics, Optimal Control, Control of Partial Differential Equations,
International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, Vol. 5, No. W07, pp.
103-108, Winter 2007.
- J. Wang and D. Li, "A new implicit enumeration
method for polynomial 0-1 programming and applications," Systems
Engineering - Theory and Practice, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 21-27, 2007 (In
- D. Li, X. L. Sun and F. L. Wang, "A convergent Lagrangian and contour-cut method for nonlinear
integer programming with a quadratic objective function," SIAM
Journal on Optimization, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 372-400, 2006.
- Y. B. Zhao, F. C. Fang and D. Li, "Constructing
generalized mean functions using convex functions with regularity
conditions," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 37-51,
- X. L. Sun, N. Ruan and D. Li,
"An efficient algorithm for nonlinear integer programming problems
arising in series-parallelreliability
systems," Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 21, No. 4, 617-633,
- D. Li and X. L. Sun, "Towards strong duality in
integer programming", Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 35, pp.
255-282, 2006.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "A note on KKT points of
homogeneous program", Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 367-374, 2006.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "A new path-following
algorithm for nonlinear $P_*$ complementarity problems,"
Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 183-214,
- X. X. Huang, X. Q. Yang and D. Li, "Convergence of
optimal values of quadratic penalty problems for mathematical programs
with complementarity constraints," Journal of Industrial and
Management Optimization, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 287-296, 2006.
- X. L. Sun, D. Li and K. McKinnon, "On saddle
points of augmented Lagrangians for constrained
nonconvex optimization", SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 15, No.
4, pp. 1128-1146, 2005.
- A. M. Rubinov, Z. Y. Wu and
D. Li, "Hidden abstract convex functions", Journal of Nonlinear
and Convex Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2005.
- Y. F. Xu, C. L. Liu and D. Li, "Generalized
nonlinear Lagrangian formulation for bounded
integer programming", Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 33, pp.
257 - 272, 2005.
- X. L. Sun, F. L. Wang and D. Li, "Exact algorithm
for concave knapsack problems: Linear underestimation and partition
method", Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 33, pp. 15 - 30, 2005.
- D. Li, Z. Y. Wu, H. W. J. Lee, X. M. Yang and L. S.
Zhang, "Hidden convex minimization," Journal of Global
Optimization, Vol. 31, pp. 211-233, 2005.
- D. Li, X. L. Sun and K. McKinnon, "An exact
solution method for reliability optimization in complex systems,"
Annals of Operations Research, Vol.133, pp. 129-148, 2005.
- C. K. Ng, L. S. Zhang, D. Li and W. W. Tian,
"Discrete filled function method for discrete global
optimization," Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 31,
pp. 87 - 115, 2005.
- S. W. Lam, D. Li and S. Z. Zhang, "A value
estimation approach to the Iri-Imai method for
constrained convex optimization," Vol. 125, No. 3, pp. 591-608,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2005.
- D. Li, F. C. Qian and P. L. Fu, "Research on dual
control," ACTA Automatica Sinica, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 32-42, 2005.
- M. P. Biswal, N. P. Biswal and D. Li,
"Probabilistic linearly constrained programming problems with
log-normal random variables," OPSERCH, Vol. 42, No.1, pp.70-76, 2005.
- S. S. Zhu, D. Li, X. Y. Zhou and S. Y. Wang,
"Review and research issues on portfolio selection and financial
optimization," Editorial Article, Journal of Management Sciences in
China, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1-12, 2004.
- E. W. Bai and D. Li, "Convergence of the iterative
Hammerstein system," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 49,
No. 11, 1929 - 1940, 2004.
- L. S. Zhang, C. K. Ng, D. Li, and W. W. Tian, "A
new filled function method for global optimization," Journal of
Global Optimization, Vol. 28, pp. 17-43, 2004.
- Y. H. Dai, L. Z. Liao, and D. Li, "On restart
procedures for the conjugate gradient method," Numerical Algorithms,
Vol. 35, pp. 249-260, 2004.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "A globally and locally superlinearly convergent non-interior-point algorithm
for P0 LCPs," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.
1195-1221, 2003.
- J.-B. Yang and D. Li, "Normal vector
identification and interactive tradeoff analysis using minimax formulation
in multiobjective Optimization," IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans,
Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 305-319, May 2002.
- D. Li, F. C. Qian and P. L. Fu, "Variance
minimization approach for a class of dual control problems," IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 47, No. 12, pp. 2010-2020,
December 2002.
- X. L. Sun and D. Li, "Optimality condition and
branch and bound algorithm for constrained redundancy optimization
problems," Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 53 - 65, 2002.
- Y. F. Xu and D. Li, "A nonlinear lagrangian dual for integer programming,"
Operations Research Letters, Vol. 30, pp. 401-407, 2002.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "Locating the least 2-norm
solution of linear programs via a path-following method," SIAM
Journal on Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 893-912, 2002.
- C. K. Ng, L. Z. Liao and D. Li, "A globally
convergent and efficient method for unconstrained discrete-time optimal
control," Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 23, pp. 401-421, 2002.
- L. Z. Liao and D. Li, "Adaptive differential
dynamic programming for multiobjective optimal
control," Automatica, Vol. 38, pp.
1003-1015, 2002.
- X. L. Sun and D. Li, "On the relationship between
the integer and continuous solutions of convex programs," Operations
Research Letters, Vol. 29, pp. 87-92, 2001.
- D. Li and X. L. Sun, "Existence of a saddle point
in nonconvex constrained optimization," Journal of Global
Optimization, Vol. 21, pp. 39-50, 2001.
- X. L. Sun, K. I. M. McKinnon and D. Li, "A convexification method for a class of global
optimization problems with applications to reliability optimization,"
Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 21, Issue 2, pp. 185-199, 2001.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "Existence and limiting
behavior of a non-interior-point trajectory for nonlinear complementarity
problems without strict feasibility condition," SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 898-924, 2001.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "Monotonicity of fixed point
and normal mappings associated with variational
inequality and its application," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol.
11, No. 4, pp. 962-973, 2001.
- Y. B. Zhao and D. Li, "On a new homotopy continuation trajectory for nonlinear
complementarity problems," Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol.
26, No. 1, pp. 119-146, 2001.
- D. Li and X. L. Sun, "Convexification
and existence of saddle point in a pth-power
reformulation for nonconvex constrained optimization," Nonlinear
Analysis, Vol. 47, pp. 5611-5622, 2001.
- D. Li, X. L. Sun, M. P. Biswal and F. Gao, "Convexification, concavification and monotonization
in global optimization," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 105, pp.
213-226, 2001.
- X. M. Yang, D. Li and S. Y. Wang, "Near-subconvexlikeness in vector optimization with
set-valued functions," Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, Vol. 110, No. 2, pp. 413-427, 2001.
- X. M. Yang and D. Li, "On properties of preinvex functions," Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Applications, Vol. 256, pp. 229-241, 2001.
- X. M. Yang and D. Li, "Semistrictly
preinvex functions," Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 258, pp. 287-308, 2001.
- X. L. Sun and D. Li, "Asymptotic strong duality
for bounded integer programming: A logarithmic-exponential dual
formulation," Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.
625-644, 2000.
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