

             Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
                                  The Chinese University of Hong Kong







Hybridizing Metaheuristics: The road to success in problem solving






Prof. Dr. Stefan Voss



University of Hamburg








December 13th, 2007 (Thursday)






4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.






Room 513



William M.W. Mong Engineering Building



(Engineering Building Complex Phase 2)









Over the years we have seen a potpurri of ideas coming up under the umbrella of
metaheuristics. Often a new idea or a new paradigm is claimed to be \"the\" idea
by their inventors when others find them useless at first glance. However, once
hybridized things begin to \"fly.\" In this presentation we highlight the notion
of hybridizing metaheuristics by emphasizing simple and yet effective ideas.

While earlier approaches simply used a certain method and married it withlocal
search we go some steps further. Instead we propose
- to hybridize different metaheuristics with each other (for instance, wecan
strive to hybridize reactive tabu search (RTS) and simulated annealing (SA)
where the RTS may be viewed as an intensifying mechanism and SA is used for
diversification) or
- to combine metaheuristics with exact algorithms for appropriately defined
(sub-) problems, or even
- to hybridize metaheuristics with discrete event simulation.



Stefan Voss is professor and director of the Institute of Information Systems at
the University of Hamburg. Previous positions include full professor and head of
the devision of Business Administration, Information Systems and Information
Management at the University of Technology Braunschweig (Germany) from 1995 up
to 2002. He holds degrees in Mathematics (diploma) and Economics from the
University of Hamburg and a Ph.D. and the habilitation from the University of
Technology Darmstadt. Besides focussing on metaheuristics his current research
interests are in quantitative / information systems approaches to supply chain
management and logistics including public mass transit and telecommunications.
He is author and co-author of several books and numerous papers in various
journals. Stefan Vo?serves on the editorial board of some journals including
being Editor of Annals of Information Systems, Associate Editor of INFORMS
Journal on Computing and Area Editor of Journal of Heuristics. He is frequently
organizing workshops and conferences. Furthermore, he is consulting with several

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Prof. Janny M.Y. Leung



(852) 2609 8238









Prof. Nan Chen or Prof. Sean X. Zhou



Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management












