Oracle11g r2 for CentOS 5.7
Meeting prerequisites for installation of Oracle 11g R2 (ver ) in CentOS 5.7 x64 : 1. Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf and append the following : # Added for installation of oracle 11g r2 kernel.sem...
Phyllis H.M. Leung - TabooCat's blog
Meeting prerequisites for installation of Oracle 11g R2 (ver ) in CentOS 5.7 x64 : 1. Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf and append the following : # Added for installation of oracle 11g r2 kernel.sem...
Rob’s Hand Puppet S585+ (8454) 05/23/1996 (R. Robinson) Semidouble chimera pink sticktite pansy/medium blue stripe. Dark green, quilted/red back. Semiminiature 半重瓣,粉紅色中間是藍色直線的內縞, 不掉落的菫型縞花,深綠色葉,羽毛邊, 紅色葉背。半迷你型。 前天換了iPhone 4S ,買了一個新影相 app :Camera Plus pro 。 這次的所有相也是用這個app影的,只用了它的防手震功能, 沒有加其他特效,相片看來也可以吧。
* Findstr = Grep command for Windows * Recursive search for a string in files under linux : find . -exec grep “STRING” {} \; * bunzip2 {File}.bz2