Monthly Archive: May 2013

Rob’s Plaid Skirt

母株和子株的樣子有些不同,子株的白邊比較明顯。(第一同第二張相是母株) Rob’s Plaid Skirt (9806) 09/14/2007 (R. Robinson) Semidouble pink star/blue fantasy, white edge. Crown variegated dark green, yellow and beige, pointed, glossy/red back. Semiminiature

Ejecting SATA HDD in USB Docking

Windows OS’ “safe remove feature” will be unavailable for SATA HDD in USB docking. To  safely un-mount this USB HDD , such HDD can be “uninstall” from Device manager first. The uninstall action will...

Buckeye cirrus clouds (sport)

插葉子長出來的standard 品種,可惜開出來的花朵是跑了色的。原本的花應該是全白的,現在卻有些紫色有些白色。不要緊吧,點綴人生勝任有餘。 Buckeye Cirrus Clouds Large fluffy white doubles float like clouds on medium green and cream variegated foliage. Large