Author: Phyllis


在五月一日這個假期的中午,由家慢慢步行到大埔海濱公園(Tai Po Waterfront Park),看看初夏的植物。 這裡的花草常常隨著季節的更替而改變,不同時節來到這裡,都有帶給您驚奇的可能 (如果您真的喜歡大自然)。 不過,這兒美中不足的地方在於:有時會很難找到植物的名字。

Drupal 6 JWPlayer

I will stick to use Drupal 6 as long as Gallery 2 module can’t run on Drupal 7 . The JWPlayer module for Drupal 6 now supports HTML 5 format for launching video able...

CentOS 5 mount NTFS usb drive

CentOS 5 mount NTFS usb drive

To find the device name for the plugged in USB drive , use “/bin/dmesg” command and check the device name for usb storage device . Or simply use the command “ls -alt /dev ”...


昨天晚上接近十二時許, 我一個人在電腦前工作, 小貓達?又跳上圓凳,看看我, 又看看電腦,好像監察我用機。 最喜歡貓兒筆直的坐著, 型態很優美的說。

Relocation error in build

Relocation error in build

During the building of php 5.3.6 in a CentOS 5.6 machine , I have relocation error on deflateInit2_ symbol : /export/share/src/php-5.3.6/sapi/cli/php: relocation error: /export/share/src/php-5.3.6/sapi/cli/php: symbol deflateInit2_, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file with...