Author: Phyllis

Moonlight Kisses

我最近的新寵 – 迷你型深藍色花的 Moonlight Kisses : Moonlight Kisses (C. Phillips) Double wisteria blue. Variegated pink, cream and green. Semiminiature

Rob’s Plaid Skirt

第二次開花的Rob’s Plaid Skirt, 比上一次淡色了一點, 不過,我還是比較喜歡這個淡粉紅的?色。 Rob’s Plaid Skirt (9806) 09/14/2007 (R. Robinson) Semidouble pink star/blue fantasy, white edge. Crown variegated dark green, yellow and beige, pointed, glossy/red back. Semiminiature


昨天晚上, 看到小達寶終于用了整個pat pat坐在我的iPad之上, 趕走了它後, 發覺iPad個外套已經給它的腳爪爪花了。 怎麽靜靜的坐著也要出爪啊?   它似乎真的很厭惡我用iPad。

Python, igraph in CentOS

Python, igraph in CentOS

Build Python 2.7 with package igraph 0.5.4 in CentOS 5.5 , all from source and install to non-standard path : Source placed in : /usr/local/python-igraph/src/ Destination Build path : /usr/local/python-igraph/ The sequence of installation...


初夏的早上不是很熱,起床後,小貓有如平常般,亦趨亦步跟著我,它不是要吃,只是要我留意它。不過,抱它太久,它又不喜歡,掙扎要跳落地上。不理它,它便很友善的妨礙我的日常生活,如不讓我用iPad :

mysqldump errno: 145

mysqldump errno: 145

mysqldump failed on one table of testbbs database with error code 145 . It fail to open it’s index table . Probably the index file is corrupted. # mysqldump –databases testbbs –single-transaction > testbbs.sql...