Category: Tech

重裝Kaspersky Anti-Virus問題

話?我要在一台 XP 上重裝Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 , 但是, 重裝時永遠都話我未uninstall 一個叫”McAfee Security Center with Virus Scan 12.1 MSC” 的東西。 但我不能在add/uninstall program ?找到它。 最後,發覺要先安裝一個 McAfee Removal Tool ,才可uninstall 它。

DNS changes after reboot Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS

DNS changes after reboot Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS

It’s found that the DNS setting is changed to Gateway IP address everytime I reboot the machine. After I have updated /etc/resolv.conf for the correct setting on DNS , it will revert back the...

Revoking issued TS license ??

Revoking issued TS license ??

Eventually , the day has come ! New client fail to connect to the terminal server in windows2008 server because all CALs on the Terminal Licensing Server are exhausted. It seems revoking an unused...

MySQL 5.1 installation bug (Windows)

I need to install MySQL 5.1.52 server in XP SP3 x32 for work. However, it’s found that there is a bug in normal installation in MySQL community server msi package . At the end...