Category: Tech

Emacs Mew (Snow Leopard)

Setup of Mew in Emacs for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) I am using a 10.6.4 snow leopard vm in my win 7 desktop for the setup : 1. Install xcode 3.2.1 from...

pscp without password

To transfer files periodically from Windows Machine back to your unix account storage , running pscp (putty ‘s scp tools), can be considered though scheduler with a private key . Steps below : 1....

bacula Backup Error

I got following error in bacula server log : 03-Oct 17:45 {bacula-serverhost-dir} JobId 12: Using Device “LTO-4” 03-Oct 17:45 {bacula-serverhost-dir} JobId 12: Fatal error: Unable to authenticate with File da emon at “{bacula-clienthost}:9102”. Possible...

enable xdmcp centos 6

enable xdmcp centos 6

Below /etc/gdm/custom.conf works for CentOS 5 for enabling xdmcp protocol : [security] DisallowTCP=false AllowRemoteRoot=true [xdmcp] Enable=true However, it doesn’t work for CentOS 6 . It requires an additional line on [greeter] section : [security]...

Thunderbird space clean up after accounts removal

I am testing speed of several dovecot servers with thunderbird client in Win7. Each testing accounts have 800M Email . However, everytime I remove these testing imaps accounts in thunderbird , the space it...