bacula Backup Error

I got following error in bacula server log :

03-Oct 17:45 {bacula-serverhost-dir} JobId 12: Using Device “LTO-4”
03-Oct 17:45 {bacula-serverhost-dir} JobId 12: Fatal error: Unable to authenticate with File da
emon at “{bacula-clienthost}:9102”. Possible causes:
Passwords or names not the same or
Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the FD or
FD networking messed up (restart daemon).

This error occurs after I changes the bacula server host. But other than that , the configuration in both server and client are modified for such changes , and particularly , the password for bacula server and client are checked to be the same . So I can rule out the possibility of Password mismatch problem .

Now , the fix turns out that after I make changes on bacula client’s configuration , I got to restart its windows client service : “bacula file service” to make the changes effective . :


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