Monthly Archive: December 2013

Podcast: Episode Unavailable

Soon after the ios upgrade to 7.0.4 in my iPhone, I have big problem in playing podcast from Apple Podcast App (to my big reluctance to using this Podcast apps because ios 7 move...

Desktop Wallpaper by GPO

Here is a very strange case of applying desktop wallpaper by GPO: Recently, windows domain controller are upgraded to Windows 2012 server. It is found that those domain Client PC , mostly are running...


莽山海拔均在1000米以上,山高林密,具有優越的山地森林氣候條件。林澤湖7月平均溫度僅20℃,比長沙低10℃,比廣州低8.3℃,比香港低3.3℃。盛夏時節,華南酷暑難耐,莽山卻是長春無夏,是一個天然的避暑勝地。 莽山頗具名氣的有鬼子寨和崖子石和猴王寨景區,其懸崖峭壁就像刀劍削劈一般。莽山的最高峰“天南第一峰”的猛坑石主峰上,可將群巒盡收眼底,並可“北望衡陽、南見韶關” ,飛流千尺的鬼子寨瀑布,神秘莫測的“猴王寨”,這些景觀集山水​​之神韻,掇幽林之深秀,令遊人目不暇接,流連忘返。 Ref