TabooCat's Blog Blog

Rob’s Plaid Skirt

母株和子株的樣子有些不同,子株的白邊比較明顯。(第一同第二張相是母株) Rob’s Plaid Skirt (9806) 09/14/2007 (R. Robinson) Semidouble pink star/blue fantasy, white edge. Crown variegated dark green, yellow and beige, pointed, glossy/red back. Semiminiature

Ejecting SATA HDD in USB Docking

Windows OS’ “safe remove feature” will be unavailable for SATA HDD in USB docking. To  safely un-mount this USB HDD , such HDD can be “uninstall” from Device manager first. The uninstall action will...

Buckeye cirrus clouds (sport)

插葉子長出來的standard 品種,可惜開出來的花朵是跑了色的。原本的花應該是全白的,現在卻有些紫色有些白色。不要緊吧,點綴人生勝任有餘。 Buckeye Cirrus Clouds Large fluffy white doubles float like clouds on medium green and cream variegated foliage. Large

Mac’s Scorching Sun

雖然這個是半迷品種,但這盆花直徑有十吋,對比我擁有的其他半迷AV,它真的佷大。王冠班同花都不難長出,不過葉序方面仍要努力。 Mac’s Scorching Sun Semidouble coral red with geneva edge. CROWN variegation is medium green and yellow. Foliage is pointed and serrated. Semiminiature

Rob’s loose noodles

總覺得每個AV花友都總會擁有或曾經擁有過一盆 Rob’s loose noodles。這盆花己不知是我原本那盆的第幾多代了,成長快、開花易,很好的品種。 Rob’s loose noodles R. Robinson Double white star/blue edge. Medium green, pointed. Miniature. 重瓣星型花,白色底鑲有藍色邊。 中綠色尖型葉。迷你型。


Dark Night of the Soul (10301) 04/08/2010 (G. McDonald) Semidouble black ruffled pansy/dark coral-red reverse. Variegated medium green and white, ovate, serrated Semiminiature Senk’s Vespa Verde (9873) 01/30/2008 (R. Follett/D. Senk) Single white wasp/green...