TabooCat's Blog Blog

Li’l Glimpse O’Spring

本來自己不會買下這個小苗,因?我已經有Irish Flirt ,它們的花與葉都相似。 可是Andy說這個花比Irish Flirt易於種植,所以買下來留給一個朋友吧。 不經不覺,過了四個月了,小苗葉也開花了。 由第一朵花開到現在已經一個多月,依然是這?漂亮。 Li’l Glimpse O’Spring Double, snow white stars, which are heavily fringed with a green edge. wavy, medium green foliage. The semiminiature leaves are serrated and quilted. ↑...

Cathy’s Fireworks

Cathy’s Fireworks Single chimera fuchsia star/light pink stripe. Variegated green and white, plain, quilted. Semiminiature 這個十字花的花梗筆直, 造型很漂亮, 但今次開的花兒較?深色, 待進入冬天時, 花色應更準確。 ↑ 我很少從這個角度影花,但它的花梗實在筆直,很有美感。

Ko’s Lil Memento

Ko’s Lil Memento 今年四月買的十字花, 是高生培育的品種, 今次是它第二輪的開花照片。 Ko’s Lil Memento (10361) 10/15/2010 (S. Ko) Single chimera light blue pansy/white stripe. Light green, plain. Miniature


今天一個人放假留在家中, 小貓達?陪我睡到中午才起床, 起身淋花, 陪隻貓玩了一陣, 似乎這也是一種幸福。 能知足者天不能貧, 能無求者天不能賤。 – 明.衛禧 ↑ 由左至右: 非洲紫羅蘭 Ms SmartyPants – 星兜 – 王妃雷神錦

Migrate MySQL 4.0 to 5.1

Migrate MySQL 4.0 to 5.1

Got a job to migrate a set of old mysql databases from MySQL server 4.0.15a-standard in Solaris x86 to MySQL server 5.1.41 on CentOS 5.6 x64. Due to the big difference in MySQL version...

Mediawiki 1.17.0 Upgrade

As php version is upgraded to 5.36 in apache under centos5.6 in new server. So I have also migrated our intranet running mediawiki from version 1.6.9 to 1.17.0 to it . But it’s not...