TabooCat's Blog Blog

bacula II

bacula II – Backup ,Restore for windows server 2008 R2 I will use LTO4 tape drive to store multiple copies of window server backup images , hence I can restore backup images of certain...

xming xhost+

It is very convenient to have xming running in windows and ssh client with X forwarding enabled , that to redirect display from unix X- application to your windows . However, such remote display...


↑ Petticoat Promenade 31May2011 ↑ Lyon’s Fireworks 31May2011 ↑ Ms Smarty Pants 31May2011 ↑ Ms Smarty Pants 31May2011 ↑ Dean’s Rosalie 31May2011 ↑ Emerald City 31May2011

bacula I

bacula I – Installation of bacula in server and client As the number of Windows 2008 servers for (either acts as research projects or as TS servers ) in the laboratory increases, now I...


Optimara Little Moonstone 7352,4/11/90,Holtkamp Double white/blue-tinged center. Light green, cupped, hairy, ruffled. Miniature. 重瓣花,白色,中心藍色。亮綠色葉,杯型葉,葉面多毛,皺邊葉緣。迷你型。 非常感謝某位園藝?資深花友的無私分享,我原以?是一棵小苗,未料到他竟然送我一棵開花成株。 當時我收到這棵渴望已久的品種,同時看到這?漂亮的花兒 ,簡直有第一次收花的感覺,好感動啊~ ↑ 喜歡此株的葉序與花兒(只有花的中心是藍色,花色非常正確),尤其當知道他在沒有空調的環境下種出來,可見那位花友的細心與栽花功力。

Petite Blarney

Petite Blarney H. Pittman Double pink/green edge. Dark green, girl foliage. Miniature. 重瓣花,粉紅色鑲綠邊。深綠色白脈型葉。迷你型。 我種了這盆花很久都沒有開花, 轉了幾個不同地方種後,才於現在綻放。 其實這個花花真的很細小, 而且樣子好像麵粉花, 我的同事們都問我這個是不是假花來的?真懂得逗人笑~