xfsdump xfsrestore for LTO4 Tape
Backup / of XFS format into LTO4 tape (/dev/nst0) in CentOS 7.1 with xfsdump: -o: Overwrite the tape. With this option, xfsdump does not read the tape first to check the contents.This option may...
Phyllis H.M. Leung - TabooCat's blog
Backup / of XFS format into LTO4 tape (/dev/nst0) in CentOS 7.1 with xfsdump: -o: Overwrite the tape. With this option, xfsdump does not read the tape first to check the contents.This option may...
My 3-year old Kindle Paperwhite got hangs sometime ago, but I failed to reboot it no matter I press power button for 7 sec or 20sec. I know I can open the case and...
XDMCP can still run on CentOS 7 , but the display manager should not be Gnome. lightdm is well documented and can replace gnome. Since XDMCP does not have encryption, so it can only...
Gnome for CentOS 7 require direct access to Graphics Hardware, and that makes remote access protocol like xdmcp or remote desktop fails. However, changing the default Gnome Desktop to KDE Desktop will fix the...
EK-Boy Bykov Gold (ЕК-БойБыковГолд) Large semi-double bright dark red stars on a variegated, almost white leaves. Standard EK-Boy Bykov Gold 這個俄羅斯品種也像 N-Robinzon 一樣很愛光,把它乖乖的放在燈光架下照超過12個鐘頭,只是中苗的它,終於可以也長出花苞了。 葉子的葉綠素很少,大部份的葉子也是象牙白,植株初期我甚至只下葉肥(7-4-4), 但長出的綠葉仍不是很多,似乎它的葉斑非常穩定。它是我種植過葉子最淺色的一盆花,但深紅色的花與象牙白的葉子對比度很大,雖然花很普通,但觀賞度仍很高。 由俄羅斯語文的資料看到,這個花應該是半重瓣的,由外國網站的相片看它也是接近重瓣。但今次我的初花卻只長出單瓣,可能要等到有標準體型的尺寸後,才有機會長出成熟的花。這個花的體積也算大,基本上開得較久的第一朵花已經大過一塊葉。花的顏色實際上是較深色的,不過在燈架下,它的暗紅色看出來較為嬌艷。 ↑ 花的體積也算大,大過五元硬幣很多。
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