Word saved HTML code

Note that for those HTML page saved from Microsoft Word may not be shown correctly in Firefox , safari etc., even they seem to be alright under Internet Explorer .

One case is that I have a “tick” in a table of a word document , I generate a HTML file from it . Then when I check it in firefox or safari , the tick becomes a “P” in the exact place of the “tick” .
The fact is : In IE , it can well recognize the letter “P” in Wingdings 2 as a “tick” , but it’s not the case in other web browser

So the fix will be replace all “P” in the HTML page with the numeric code without setting fontface as ” Wingdings 2″ :


In HTML code , the changes will be from :


The final output will become the same in all browsers:


More reference on Web ASCII Numeric Code , see here

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