TabooCat's Blog Blog

pgadmin3 in centos5.5 x64

pgadmin3 in centos5.5 x64

1. Get pgadmin3-1.8.4-1.el5.x86_64.rpm from CentOS 5 (RHEL 5) – EPEL x86_64 in 2. Install it through “rpm -ivh pgadmin3-1.8.4-1.el5.x86_64.rpm” , but that will result in some dependencies problem : # rpm -ivh pgadmin3-1.8.4-1.el5.x86_64.rpm...


↑ 16Apr2011 玩到倒轉在沙發上。 ↑ 十歲的大貓兒在吮吸毛巾?! ↑ 奮力地同毛巾戰鬥 ↑ 18Apr2011 好享受梳毛毛的過程。 ↑ 滿足到不能形容。

Adding Shared Printer to Windows client

To add a print queue shared from windows server to a windows client , the normal way will be adding the printer queue from “Control Panel” -> “Devices and Printers” -> “Add a printer”...

Upgrade Postgresql 8.4 to 9.03 (ubuntu10.04)

Upgrade Postgresql 8.4 to 9.03 (ubuntu10.04)

The painless upgrade from 8.4 to 9.0 does not work for my case , so I change back to the old-school method . 1. Backup Existing Postgres DB (including user accounts DBUSER1 , DBUSER2...

Thunder Surprise

Thunder Surprise (#336) 03/23/2001 (S. Sanders) Double white star/blue eye, green edge. Medium green, plain. Semiminiature 重瓣白色星型花, 藍色眼,綠色邊。 中綠色葉,葉面平坦。 半迷你型。 這盤小花身體好弱, 受過幾次棉花蟲襲擊, 連插葉塊葉都死埋, 切了兩次根,現在才開花。 ↑ 17Mar2011 ↑ 28Mar2011 ↑ 06Apr2011

Gallery2 inside Drupal site

I am working on a website with Drupal 6.20 . I have a requirement to show several seminar photo albums inside this website. I did tried several photo gallery modules for Drupal 6, but...