Author: Phyllis

bacula Backup Error

I got following error in bacula server log : 03-Oct 17:45 {bacula-serverhost-dir} JobId 12: Using Device “LTO-4” 03-Oct 17:45 {bacula-serverhost-dir} JobId 12: Fatal error: Unable to authenticate with File da emon at “{bacula-clienthost}:9102”. Possible...

enable xdmcp centos 6

enable xdmcp centos 6

Below /etc/gdm/custom.conf works for CentOS 5 for enabling xdmcp protocol : [security] DisallowTCP=false AllowRemoteRoot=true [xdmcp] Enable=true However, it doesn’t work for CentOS 6 . It requires an additional line on [greeter] section : [security]...

Thunderbird space clean up after accounts removal

I am testing speed of several dovecot servers with thunderbird client in Win7. Each testing accounts have 800M Email . However, everytime I remove these testing imaps accounts in thunderbird , the space it...

Rob’s Cotton Ball

我種植了這兩盆小花苗十個多個月, 七月時知道有了花苞, 自己非常期待, 不過, 似乎只有幾朵花兒是開對了色。 仲然如此,純白重瓣的花兒, 永遠地這?讓人喜歡。 Rob’s Cotton Ball 8172,6/5/95,R. Robinson Double white sticktite/blue-tinged eye,variable green on outer petals. Medium green, pointed, quilted, hairy, serrated. Semiminiature. 重瓣,白色不掉落的花,中心有藍色,外層花瓣偶爾鑲綠邊, 中綠色葉,尖型,葉面凹凸多毛,鋸齒邊。半迷你型。 ↑ 八月中拍的照片,這是第一盆開的Rob’s Cotton Ball。相中間的花兒出到藍眼睛,開對了色。 ↑ 這是第二盆開的Rob’s Cotton...

Rate Limit Horde 3 IMP Outgoing Email

New user tends to fall for phishing Email and disclosing their password , and spammer may able to use their accounts to send out spam mail. So in order to alleviate problem in spamming...