Author: Phyllis

Gallery2 inside Drupal site

I am working on a website with Drupal 6.20 . I have a requirement to show several seminar photo albums inside this website. I did tried several photo gallery modules for Drupal 6, but...

Lyon’s Fireworks

Lyon’s fireworks (#318) S. Sorano Semidouble-double medium pink star/fuchsia fantasy, wide fuchsia edge. Dark green. Semiminiature 半重瓣~重瓣的粉色星型花,櫻花紅噴點,寬的櫻花紅色鑲邊。 深綠色葉。半迷你型。 這是在2010年二月購自繽繽園藝的小花苗,已經插葉生了三盆,以下的是插葉生的第二盆。Lyon’s fireworks 的開花性其實不錯,不過花柄有點過長 。

Pixie Runaround Sport

Pixie Runaround Sport Single chimera blue bell/wide white stripe. Variegated medium green and white. Miniature trailer 迷你班葉, 白中縞紫藍花 (十字花)。 這是約四個月前在一次聚會得到的獎品,當時不知道葉子是有班的,現在開花了,中間的班葉也出現了。 ↑ 中間初生出的班葉。

Easy migration from Gallery 1 to 2

I always thought that it will take me few hours to migrate those photo data from Gallery 1 to 2 , as regards my experience in migrating data from old version of Horde imp...

Error:Unknown: open(/var/lib/php/session/sess_…

I’ve installed php and apache through yum in centos5.5 , php webpage like phpMyAdmin and Modx CMS fail to run with below PHP error PHP error debug Error:Unknown: open(/var/lib/php/session/sess_f1i4m7iirlv2g4rne8sq3qonc7, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)...



“Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long” for Apache SSL in CentOS 5.5 I have recently configured apache httpd with mod_ssl in my freshly installed CentOS5.5 . There is no problem with but I when tried to...