Category: Tech

Win 7: enable,reset administrator account

I’ve got a case that someone ‘s machine running Windows 7 x64 has recently left the Windows domain , but the local built-in administrator account got disabled and he forget about its password anyway...

Query string in apache rewrite rule

Query string in apache rewrite rule

I got a task to rewrite an URL from apache server :[Anything] into I implemented a rewrite rule like this to cater for above case : RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ [NC,L] However, this...

Win 2008 Server RDP Problem

We have users running Windows 2008 Server but their Remote Destop Connections disconnected frequently with below error : “Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the...

NTDS Replication warning

Recently I have rebooted one of my win2003 domain controller after applying seurity updates. After that , there are lots of warning about NTDS replication in the event log The details of event log...

batch gunzip

Default gunzip will unzip all gzipped file(s) in the current directory , while removing the original .gz file(s) gunzip parameter “-c” can be used to output the unzip file to standard output , and...