TabooCat's Blog Blog

IE8 rocks!!

IE8 rocks!!

It has been a long time for me to restore an cloned XP SP3 image to lab PCs . After the restoring the image through ghostcast server , I tried to manual access the...


↑ 兩個月前帶回家中的Rob’s Loose Noodle (#4) 在農曆新年綻放。 ↑ 相對之下, 同時間帶回家中的A89 就開得不大燦爛。

Showing Chinese in mew under “emacs -nw”

In order to let mew under “emacs -nw” (no X environment) to display Email with simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese , both secure shell client and emacs need setting the right fonts . However...

Rob’s loose noodle回家了

大約個半月前我趁天氣仍然較冷時, 我帶了兩盆非洲紫羅蘭回家 , 原本沒有花苞的它們現在都開始綻放。 其中的Rob’s Loose Noodle 花苞最多, 至少有7枝花菖。 我叫呀輝幫我影了其中一朵花在接近開時的三張特寫 。

A 16G memory VM

Eventually , I have installed a guest VM with 16Memory through KVM under CentOS 5.4 with NAT network . It looks like KVM is the one of the very few free vm manager that...